Within the first week of its establishment, donations made publicly by the organizers on Reddit reached approximately $10,000.

The movement called for monetary support for the Ukrainian people. Participants called for commentary that supported the Russian invasion of Ukraine on the Chinese internet to be translated and disseminated on foreign social media platforms. The person additionally said that he hopes that all those in the world with Chinese heritage can "leave behind these negative emotions, and integrate properly with the civilized world, and be ashamed of their own ignorance". Giving a reason for its founding, a member of the movement said in an interview that hoped that "people in more countries realize that the people of China are not 'warm, hospitable, and gentle' as the CCP's foreign propaganda declares, but instead are a proud, arrogant, vigorously in love with populism, cruel, bloodthirsty unsympathetic collective" ( 希望能够让更多国家的人明白,中国人并不是和中共大外宣当中的形象一样'热情,好客,温良',而是骄傲,自大,民粹主义兴盛,残忍,嗜血,毫无同情心的集合体). The Great Translation Movement originated on several Chinese-language subreddits. History Establishment on Reddit (February 24–March 2) The Guardian has pointed out that the Great Translation Movement has been a source for English-language speakers to understand the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and state media's reaction towards the Russian invasion of Ukraine, though experts cautioned seeing the posts as representative of the Chinese public, noting that China has a highly censored media environment. The languages it has translated to include English, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish. It seeks to document displays of ultranationalist, pro-Russian and anti-Western sentiment in China by translating comments found in the Chinese internet. The Great Translation Movement ( simplified Chinese: 大翻译运动 traditional Chinese: 大翻譯運動 pinyin: Dà Fānyì Yùndòng Zhuyin Fuhao: ㄉㄚˋㄈㄢ ㄧˋㄩㄣˋㄉㄨㄥˋ) is an online anti-war movement and Twitter account launched during the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. Russian invasion of Ukraine, Propaganda in China Started February 2022 1 year ago ( 2022-02)Īnti-war movement, Anti-censorship Movement, Political movement

Chinese online movement Great Translation Movement Date